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Elizabeth (aka Rachel) was a daughter of John Cyrus and Lovina Graves Cyrus, survivor of the Donner-Reed party of 1846-47. John and Lovina married and raised their family here having 5 children. Rachel was the youngest being born here in 1873. In 1895 Rachel married Geo. Wright, who himself was born to Calistoga pioneers John Ripley Wright & Elsie Hoover-Wright (1856).
“Early Upper” is a compilation of Rachel’s family history, opening with a story her father had told her time and again, “There is an Indian phrase, Tu-la-halusi, meaning beautiful land and I am going to begin my tale of the Upper Napa Valley by describing the actual condition of this beautiful land as it was told to me by my father who saw it before man had made any changes in its condition. It lay, fresh from the hand of God, like a great unfenced park.”
Softbound, 54 pages including index, 6” x 9”. 24 black and white illustrations.
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